[Xen-users] RE: [Xen-devel] Backports to 3.0-testing and/or 3.0.1 soon?
> Ian Pratt wrote:
> >> I am noticing many bug fixes, code cleanups, and
> improvements being
> >> committed to -unstable over the past few weeks and little or no
> >> commits to 3.0-testing.
> >>
> >> Is a back port of some of these to 3.0-testing expected to happen
> >> soon?
> >
> > We're not planning on backporting stuff into 3.0.0.x -- we'll
> > stabilise the tree and do a release in maybe 2-4 weeks time.
> Isn't the 3.0-testing tree meant to for users who want to
> test new fixes
> before a release is made and to accelerate and refine the
> QA process?
> If there are no back ports before a release then there is
> no point to a 3.0-testing tree.
We're backporting *bug fixes* into 3.0-testing (which will be released
as 3.0.0.x), not new features.
At some point in the next few weeks we'll sweep -unstable into
3.0-testing and gear up for a 3.0.1 release.
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