Re: [Xen-users] RE: XEN on evms root
Thanks for your reply. I think I found my answer in the Gentoo/Xen
HOWTO. (You actually have to read these things closley. :) Just gunzip
your genkernel initramfs and gzip the resulting initrd file.
On 12/19/05, Molle Bestefich <molle.bestefich@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Adam Carheden wrote:
> > Did this thread ever get resolved?
> >
> > http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-users/2005-10/msg00490.html
> >
> > I'm having the same issue with LVM. I'm running gentoo on DOM0. I
> > compile my own kernel from the gentoo sys-kernel/xen-sources package
> > but use `genkernel lvm2 initrd` with
> > /usr/src/linux->/usr/src/linux/linux-
> >
> > If I try to load the the initrd that comes with xen-2.0.7, it seems
> > to find it okay (though it barfs for other reasosn), but it refuses to
> > find my genkernel initrd. If I boot that kernel without an initrd, I
> > can successfully mount /dev/ram0, so I know ramdisks are working. I
> > think the xen kernel maps dev/ram0 to some place other that wherever
> > GRUB puts the 2nd module.
> >
> > If anyone has an initrd working with Xen-3.0 on Gentoo, please let me know!
> I have done a bunch of genkernel troubleshooting / patching and
> finally got the EVMS / Gentoo / XEN combo to work.
> Can only make it work using INITRD though, not INITRAMFS. Genkernel
> generates invalid INITRAMFS images on my box, I haven't quite figured
> why, but at least that's why _I'm_ seeing "RAMDISK: Couldn't find a
> valid RAM disk image starting at 0".
> I've sent a couple of patches upstream, but I think the genkernel
> maintainer is generally reluctant to re-enable INITRDs without a
> better reason than "it's the only thing that works with Xen".
> Specifically, finding out why the generated INITRAMFS images are
> somehow corrupt would be very nice.
> Could you try a known-to-be-working INITRAMFS image and an INITRD
> image and see if that fixes your problem?
Adam Carheden
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