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Re: [Xen-users] xen 3 demo CD won't boot

To: Mustafa Abbasi <lordverminard@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] xen 3 demo CD won't boot
From: Craig Ringer <craig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 22:55:12 +0800
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Mustafa Abbasi wrote:
hi. since my failed adventured in xen 3 i decided to try out the xen 3 demo cd. i also used the test cd to run the test and submit the results. but now i can't start the xen cd as well and its the same problem i had with the xen installation so i cam thinking it has something to do with my computer.
Probably so.

this is what happens. the cd boots fine. but when it comes to the point of starting X it stops and sticks there unless i reset the computer.
please please help me. is this a bug.
Probably - though if it's a bug with Xen, with your hardware, or with 
something else is hard to say with the total lack of details provided.
If you want to file a bug I'd suggest including DETAILED hardware 
information, including /proc/interrupts, `lspci -vvv', `lspci -n' , OS 
and version, etc. You'll also want to try to start Xen up without X, 
then manually start a basic X server like the VESA server to see if it 
might be specific to a particular X driver.
 i am new to bug reports so could
somebody guide me on how to file it. also should i post this in xen devel list?
Probably not - just file a bug report.

Craig Ringer

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