RE: [Xen-users] ssh in rc.local stalls xenU
Tom Brown wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Dec 2005, Steve Brueckner wrote:
>> I'm using Fedora Core 4. I need to create an ssh port forwarding
>> tunnel to my xen0 domain when my xenU domain starts up, so I added
>> this to the xenU's /etc/rc.d/rc.local:
>> ssh -v -f -L 5500:localhost:5501 xen0_ip tail -f /dev/null
>> This causes my VM to pause for about 3 minutes during boot.
>> Furthermore, the ssh tunnel never gets created. The ssh command is
>> stalling at "Connecting to (xen0_IP) port 22"
>> I have null-passphrase authentication keys working, so I can execute
>> the tunnel manually after I log in. So why won't the tunnel work
>> before I log in?
> ssh is pretty paranoid. It probably knows the difference between this
> non-interactive login and an interactive one... so it might not be
> attempting this. Can you run the same commands from a script or a
> cron job on the same box?
> Other things to check are your logs on the target machine to see if
> ssh is even getting as far as establishing a connection. DNS ...
> which _should_ be fine, since rc.local is generally the last thing to
> run, etc...
Well since it works from rc.local bewteen non-Xen boxes, I don't think
it's ssh's fault. I tried adding a wget command into rc.local also, and
wget fails with:
Resolving download.fedora.redhat.com... Failed: Host not found.
So I'm starting to think maybe Xen doesn't bring up the network until
after login or something along those lines.
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