RE: [Xen-users] Poweroff on xen-3.0-testing
> I get and install the xen-3.0-testing on my futur xenbox
> (alias Bi-P3 on abit vp6 motherboard) but I have two problems.
> 1/ I don't succeed in poweroff the dom0. When the poweroff is
> started by "shutdown -h now" command the kernel power down
> all disks devices but It seems the kernel don't call the
> "acpi_power_off() alias pm_poweroff()" function for power
> down the xenbox.
> Is it normal ? Do you have a patch for xen-3.0-testing ?
This is an open issue, but currently fairly low priority.
> 2/ The "ethtool" doesn't access to the data parameter of my
> RTL8139 lan interface in the dom0 to active the WakeOnLan
> power-on hardware fonction. Do you have any answer to that
> failure ? Is it come from Brigde or XEN hypervisor ?
You should point ethtool at peth0 rather than eth0.
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