[Xen-users] kudzu - fedora core 3
Hi list!:
A question about the refinement of the configuration:
Always when I start a domain kudzu (hardware detection daemon) ask me
for remove hardware. I answer yes, but in the next boot kudzu ask again.
I'm guessing that kudzu is asking for remove the «real» drivers that are
inside the domU because the domainU was created copying the dom0 system
in the domU.
How can I deal with problem?
Jorge Isaac Davila Lopez
sitio web: http://www.nicaraguaopensource.com/
correo-e: davila@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
clave pgp: http://www.nicaraguaopensource.com/claves/nos.asc
huella digital: F8F4 8563 28D2 29E1 E2EA 9EAB CA0F A96F A3EE 6F56
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