Re: [Xen-users] Help is a large XEN deployment
Michael Best wrote:
> Hugues Belanger wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I've been asked to install and configure Xen on a Large server for
>> testing purposes, The server is an 8 Way AMD Opeteron Western
>> Scientific Box that's just kinda sitting around and we have a need to
>> have multiple vms for our dev guys to get familiar with Linux.
>> I've deployed Xen with Fedora core4 before and manage to get Centos4,
>> Fedora, Debian and Redhat 8-9 vms install on a Xeon box. But the
>> mandate is to do it all Dom0 and VMS using Centos 4.1.
>> Does anyone have a road map for me to follow ? I'm good at following
>> instructions and will donate the resulting RPM's to whoma ever needs
>> them.
>> Thanks
>> Hugues
> I wrote an article about my experience settings up a Centos 4.2 box
> with Xen from the source code. I am going to spend some time looking
> at the FC5 kernel as well to see if I can use that instead.
> http://www.pendragon.org/mywiki/Xen
> -
Centos 4.x works really well with the Xen 2.0.7 release 2.6.x kernels.
Just make sure that as part of any Centos upgrade to Dom0 you don't get
your kernel default changed under Grub.
There are a couple of Centos / RHEL faqs and HOWTOs out there.
The only issue I have is running Java applications under a VNC Server on
top of Centos or RHEL4. Keeps crashing the VNC server.
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