[Xen-users] Re: Live Migration Config
Mark Williamson wrote:
Xend trusts anything the incoming config tells it... Could get nasty very
quickly from both security and DoS perspectives.
I haven't heard objections raised to my suggestion of running a VPN over
your regular network for the purpose. This allows encryption, validation
and access control; the thing it lacks is *fine-grained* control -- a
Dom0 is either part of the VPN or it isn't -- but this shouldn't be a
concern if your Dom0s are adequately secured. Ideally, they should be
accessible *only* via VPN connections or via direct console
communication. If you need remote administration, do that -- but guard
the key zealously.
Since your Dom0s are accessible *only* via console or VPN access from
another system, and the other VPNned systems are likewise only
accessible via console or VPN (except for your administrative system),
there's not much by way of risk that one of your Dom0s *can* be
penetrated, so long as your console access is physically secure.
So -- so long as your Dom0s are secured via a VPN with a firewall
preventing all non-VPN access, I really don't see the concern being as
substantial as you make it to be.
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