[Xen-users] Re: python: how do I know if domainU was rebooted.
Never mind, I found there is a restart_time in xen.xend.XendClient.server
Hope someone find this info useful
On 10/27/05, Wensheng Wang <wenshengwang@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I want to write a script to monitor domain U's, and take note if a domain was rebooted.
I noticed if a domain is shutdown (halt) and then started again I have
a record. However if a domain was just rebooted(either by type 'reboot'
from inside domain or type 'xm shutdown -R' from outside), I have no
I found out what caused it. If a domain was rebooted, its uptime, start_time will not be reset.
for example, xen.sv.util.getDomInfoHash('sarge1') will give up_time, start_time etc. for domain "sarge1"
now after I rebooted sarge1,
xen.sv.util.getDomInfoHash('sarge1')['up_time'] will continue grow, and start_time doesn't change!
same thing if I use xen.xend.XendClient.server.xend_domain('sarge1')
So how can I determine if a domain was rebooted or rnot?
I use xen-devel 3.0 from fedora core 4.
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