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Re: [Xen-users] using HYPERVISOR_console_io

Subject: Re: [Xen-users] using HYPERVISOR_console_io
From: "Michael Levenhagen" <mjleven@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 10:21:18 -0600
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I just setup a serial line connecting my xen development machine to my workstation. I use minicom on my workstation to connect to the serial line. I see nothing on it when I boot xen. I know that the connection works because when I boot my xen machine into linux I can start minicom on it and see the characters in minicom on my workstation.
What output can be directed to the serial port?
What configuration am I missing?
Is there any documentation on xen boot options?


Ian Pratt wrote:

I'm porting a kernel from 2.0.7 to 3.0 and need to do some low level debugging.
It's unclear to me what need's to be done to get 
HYPERVISOR_console_io to work.
I've compiled xen with debug=y. My simple kernel is as follows.

void start_kernel( start_info_t *start_info ) {
       char *message = "hello\n";

HYPERVISOR_console_io(CONSOLEIO_write, strlen(message), message); }
I'm fairly confident that I'm entering start_kernel because I 
can change the behavior by putting a while(1) after the 
Where should I see the output if things are working? I don't 
see anything on the PC's monitor.

Have you got a serial console set up? It's pretty useful to have xen
debug output interspersed with domain output when debugging, plus the
'xen magic keys' are useful too.

How do I view the boot messages for xen? IIRC I used xm under 2.0.7 but I don't see any options with 3.0.
'xm dmesg' should also show you output.


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