Re: [Xen-users] xen and ubuntu on laptop
Eric S. Johansson wrote:
and believe me I know that. I have xen 2.0.5 running in production 1/4
dom0/U under gentoo and when I tried to upgrade to 2.0.7 well, things
didn't go well. :-)
Same setup here. The only problems I had were:
1. my xm-$domain files weren't using the /boot/vmlinz-xen{0,U} symlinks
so I was running mismatched xen kernels -- stupid me.
2. I recently updated python and had to re-emerge twisted.
What were your problems? Maybe someone with a similar setup can help.
I would really like to build a repeatable process of taking the source
deb, extracting essential elements and doing effectively what you
described above based on the packages kernel configuration, patches,
etc. etc. it will take a while for me to find the time to do this but
that's the plan.
oh, my hands are so dirty they will never come clean.
lol -- I hear you. I'm not dirty enough to run unstable yet, though ;)
My ubuntu laptop will thank you if you can get that going (and it's
available for testing if you need it).
Good luck,
Jeb Campbell
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