Re: [Xen-users] Failed Network
Ok so after three days of farkling with this thing I found a
solution. Although I tried the "noapic" xen boot option to no result,
if I turn off apic support in the *bios* then the network card comes
up. I don't know if this a specific problem to nForce3 motherboards,
my specific motherboard, shuttle boards, or something more general,
but I thought I'd post this in case someone else runs across this
same nightmare.
Another note, if I run with "noapic" xen boot option and the APIC
support turned off in BIOS, I ran across some IRQ conflicts. I had to
just turn off the apic support in bios and leave the Xen boot options
without "noapic". I don't know how stable this is yet, but here's
fingers crossed.
On Sep 21, 2005, at 8:13 PM, MCresearch wrote:
I'm at my wits end maybe someone out there can help me.
Shuttle AN51R Motherboard
1GB ram
AMD-64 3000+ (2GHz)
20GB HD (western digital) with 1GB for minimal install, 500MB for
swap, and the rest I had planned to use for LVM volumes for VMs.
I've been running ubuntu 5.04 (hoary) happy as a clam for a while
now no problems. Now I've started investigating Xen and for the
life of me I can't get it to work properly. I've done clean minimal
installs of both Ubuntu Hoary and Debian sarge.
Everything looks like it runs ok until I log in and try to access
the network.
The primary symptom is that the network interface doesn't work.
It's enumerated in the bootup (Broadcom Tigon3) and tg3 is built
into the standard binary release kernels (I'm using
vmlinuz- but when dhclient runs it fails to get an
IP address. I can bring the interface up and down, and it still
refuses to work. I can assign it a manual IP address, but it still
doesn't communicate on the network (no ping, etc). If I boot the
standard (no xen) kernel, all is fine and the network works properly.
in dmesg (from debian) the network card is found
eth0: Tigon3 [partno(yadda yadda) rev blah blah(]
1000BaseT Ethernet XX:XX:XX:XX:XX (<---- Mac address)
eth0: RXcsums[1] etc etc etc...
What I've tried
Multiple distributions, clean installs
The standard binary Xen release kernels
Compiling my own Xen kernels
lots of different kernel options -> with modules, without
modules, tg3 built in, AGP on, AGP off... I can get them all to
boot but no network.
Different kernel versions 2.4 and 2.6, same behavior
using an initrd, same behavior
booting xen.gz with
noapic, acpi=off, watchdog all show the same "no network"
Nothing in dmesg or syslog seem to be out of place that I can tell.
The only errors I see are regarding USB a few errors that look like
hub 1-0:1.0: Cannot enable port 3. Maybe the USB cable is bad?
usb 1-3: device descriptor read/64, error -110
and in debian dhclient output shows on boot, and you can see the
failure to get a DHCP offer.
I really have no idea what to try next. (and everytime I go back to
booting a "regular" kernel everything is fine again.. grrrr)
Please, any help would be *greatly* appreciated as I've become very
frustrated with this effort.
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