Re: [Xen-users] Load Average 1.00 at idle
Thank you! I've been able to install the non-devel RPMs, boot xen, a dom0
and a domU! Yea!
Now, I have to figure out how to get the networking in domU working right.
Also, it looks like the load average issue is resolved.
Thanks again.
> On Mon, 12 Sep 2005, master@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Don't know as I've yet to get xen/FC4 working on this machine. I'm going
>> to play with it a bit. When I have a chance, I'll download it and give
>> it a try.
>> I've got the earlier 1398 rpm set installed and working fine, but really
>> struggling with the 1447 rpm set.
> I've got new (experimental) RPMs up on my people page:
> http://people.redhat.com/riel/
> --
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