Re: [Xen-users] syslog problem
Jorge I. Davila L. wrote:
Di Lorenzo:
A few days ago I face a problem with syslog installing xen 2.0.5 in
fedora core 4.
Well, the problem was some kernel modules not installed
make modules
make modules_install
after select the kernel options (make ARCH=xen menuconfig)
and the other problem -I think- more related to your problem was
Someone have selinux / xen working together?
thank's for replaing..
I'm using kernel downloaded from site and I'm not using
selinux (domU is on a Trustix 1.5)
some other ideas?
El lun, 25-07-2005 a las 11:32 +0200, Pierluigi Di Lorenzo escribió:
Hi all,
in my domU I got:
Jul 25 11:30:06 zeus kernel: Cannot read proc file system: 1 - Operation not
Jul 25 11:30:36 zeus last message repeated 989951 times
Jul 25 11:30:40 zeus last message repeated 112666 times
and top show 50% of cpu used by syslog/klogd
How can I solve this problem?
Pierluigi Di Lorenzo
ePrometeus s.r.l
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