Re: [Xen-users] Xen and megaraid Drivers CentOS 4
Hi James
On 25/06/05, James Bulpin <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Andrew,
> Any *binary* drivers supplied by a hardware vendor for a specific Linux
> distro will be for the (native) kernel that ships with that distro so
> won't generally work as-is with a Xen kernel.
> SO we need to build the source. There are two options:
> (1) use a driver in the Linux tree - I'm not sure if the current driver
> supports your particular card, perhaps someone else here can confirm? In
> fact I think our binary distribution has this already so if it doesn't
> work for you then the driver in 2.6.11 may not support your card.
> (2) use source code supplied by LSI and build a module against the Xen
> kernel - this should generally work fine unless the vendor has cut
> corners with assumptions about the hardware platform.
> To do (1):
> * download the Xen source distribution. It is easiest to do a "make
> world" first so that everything is in position.
> * change into the dom0 linux build directory: cd linux-2.6.11-xen0
> * reconfigure the kernel using (e.g.): make ARCH=xen xconfig
> * select the megaraid driver.
> * change directory back up a level
> * perform a make (*not* 'make world' as this will overwrite config
When I do this I get
make: *** No rule to make target `freebsd-5.3.tar.bz2', needed by
`pristine-freebsd-5.3/.valid-pristine'. Stop.
I type just make ?
> changes)
> * reinstall the Xen0 kernel and modules
> To do (2) *in general*:
> * unpack the driver source
> * see the driver documentation to find out how to point it at the
> kernel headers, point this at <path to you xen
> tree>/linux-2.6.11-xen0/include/linux
> * make ARCH=xen
> LSI ship DKMS (http://linux.dell.com/projects.shtml#dkms) style source.
> I've got doubts as to how well this works with the build mechanism for
> Xen kernels so an alternative approach would be to manually merge the
> LSI source into the Xen0 build tree. I just tried this using the
> following command sequence (having downloaded dr_linux_2.20.4.6_as40.zip
> to /tmp):
> MY_XEN_TREE=/local/xen-2.0.6-build
> cd /tmp
> unzip dr_linux_2.20.4.6_as40.zip
> rpm2cpio \
> megaraid-v2.20.4.6-for-redhat-rhel-4-ga-kernel2.6.9-5.EL-x86.rpm \
> | cpio -idv
> mv $MY_XEN_TREE/linux-2.6.11-xen0/drivers/scsi/megaraid \
> $MY_XEN_TREE/linux-2.6.11-xen0/drivers/scsi/megaraid.orig
> cp -a /tmp/usr/src/megaraid-v2.20.4.6 \
> $MY_XEN_TREE/linux-2.6.11-xen0/drivers/scsi/megaraid
> The follow the steps for (1) above. This builds cleanly for me but I
> don't have this hardware to test.
> If you choose to build the driver as a module then you'll need to:
> depmod -a
> mkinitrd /boot/initrd-
> and add a grub module line for that initrd.
> James
> Andrew Turnbull wrote:
> > Hi there
> >
> > I am managed to get Xen stable 2.0.6 working.
> >
> > I have 1 IDE (PATA) drive and 2 SATA drives connected to a Megaraid 300-8X.
> >
> > I have got everything working apart from I cannot figure out howto
> > recompile the Xen Kernel with the support for the megaraid drivers in
> > there.
> >
> > Furthermore I dont really know how to get the drivers into the correct
> > place to compile them. I have never really messed around with Kernels
> > before.
> >
> > The system is Centos 4, (RHEL 4) and the drivers are available on
> > www.lsilogic.com for this distro.
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
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