> First domU MacAddress in config file other than aa:00:00:00:00:xx.
> Second aa:00:00:00:00:11
> One bridge with no ethx connected but with the ip
> Second can ping
> First not.
> I tried everything. Changing the distros configs itself.
> Changing the hostname. Some variations in the order i added
> the doms to the bridge, I really dont know what to do anymore.
> So the last thing i tried was to set the mac from the first
> dom to one of the form aa:00:00:00:00:xx. And it works. Now
> even the first dom can ping the second. Nice.
> But why?
Mac adresses staring with the first two or three bits set are something
special (broadcast,multicast ... )
Please let you mac Address start with 00: or at least 0x: and try again.
Wim Bonis ,+'^'+, Telefon:06301-791868
NetwerkAnalyse und SystemDesign Mobil:0170-5664234
+,.,+ voip:0211-58005076
email: bonis@xxxxxxxx Kaiserslautern/Mehlbach
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