Thank you Ian,
yes it was some kind of HW problem, it works now (I disabled ACPI support in
> Od: "Ian Pratt" <m+Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Datum: 2005/06/08 Sre AM 11:14:58 MEST
> Za: "Jure Lampe" <Jure.Lampe@xxxxxxxxx>,
> <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Kp: ian.pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Zadeva: RE: [Xen-users] Newbie XEN problem
> > Situation:
> > IBM A50 P4/3G HT, 2Gb RAM, SATA NCQ Seagate disk, SUSE 9.3
> > Prof, kernel 2.6, SUSE standard installation for XEN.
> >
> > A machine is working perfect in SUSE env., but I have
> > problems with XEN. If I only boot with XEN (only with dom0)
> > it works, then freeze in 10 min (light for HD is full ON).
> Sounds like Xen is unhappy on your hardware, possibly an interrupt
> problem. Since this code is very different in the unstable (3.0
> development series) there's a fair chance it will already be fixed.
> What drivers/modules does the kernel have loaded? Can you provoke the
> bug more quickly by generating activity on the local disk e.g. with
> 'dd'?
> It would be good to compare the boot output of native and Xen kernels
> booting.
> You'll probably need to switch to building your own Xen installation
> from source to make progress on this.
> Ian
> > I've tried conf. with different memory, with or without KDE etc.
> > Otherwise XEN is working with other domains.
> >
> > Any help?
> >
> > Jure
> >
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