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Re: [Xen-users] system suggestion

To: Mark Williamson <mark.williamson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] system suggestion
From: Andrew Thompson <andrewkt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2005 09:04:49 -0400
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Mark Williamson wrote:
112952-001-B1-06        Proliant 6500 - 4xPIII Xeon500MHz/1MB, 256MB
100738-003-B1-06        Proliant 5500 - 2xPIIIXeon550MHz/512KB, 256MB

Any suggestions?
Well...  As other people have said, it partly depends on how many domUs you're 
going to run!
I'm still so new at setting it up, I don't know how many I'll be running.

That said, $25 for 2 more CPUs looks pretty good to me, especially given you're getting double the cache (which will tend to negate the MHz difference).
I thought it might be good to post the specs. Thx

Either machine will probably want a RAM upgrade if you want to have decent memory sizes in your virtual machines but RAM is cheap, after all.
That's one of the reasons I'm planning on picking up a new machine. 
Currently I'm running on a Dual P2 300 Dell "Workstation" that won't 
accept any RAM that I've been able to find. It has 128 currently, so 
this will be a 100% increase. :)
I read that domU's will be able to see multiple processors in a later
version of Xen. Should I go for the 4x hoping that feature will be
supported with 32bit chips? It seems a lot of development talk I've been
reading recently is in the 64bit arena.
Unstable will do SMP on x86 already and it's in the process of being 
optimised.  3.0-stable will sport the optimised implementation.
I'll be looking forward to that.

In the meantime, if you have 3 or more domUs, you'll still be able to put those CPUs to some good use.
I'm sure I'll come up with something to spin cycles on. Perhaps I'll let 
distributed.net and SETI@HOME duke it out on a spare cpu.
Andrew Thompson

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