RE: [Xen-users] Per domain a fixed interface number?
> is it possible to assign a fixed interface number to a
> domain, so when the domain starts up the intefacen number are
> always the same? I have the problem, that I have for each
> domain a bridge with a VLAN. So the vif of a domain have to
> assign always to the same bridge in dom0. When I restart a
> domain, it will get another interface number and the
> allocation is wrong.
In the unstable repo you can set the vif's name with the 'vifname=' parameter.
However, if you reboot a domain the vif will temporarilly disappear, so any
iptables, ebtables, routes or bridging rules will be ripped out. You need to
reissue them when the interface comes back up -- you can do this by adding the
rules to the vif-bridge script.
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