Re: [Xen-users] New Xen Install
There are Fedora and Suse xen binaries. Check the archives of the list
for a link to the Suse binaries (they were mentioned in the past couple
of days). The Fedora binaries are included in Fedora Core 4 Test 1 and
are also in Rawhide.
Robert Jackson wrote:
First let me start out with the fact that I have been lurking on the
list for a while, and I am finally getting ready to start testing Xen.
I have checked out most if not all of the documentation found on the
http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/ site as well as the
wiki found at xen.terrabox.com.
I just have a few questions for the Xen Masters:
* Are there any distros that include xen binaries so that I could run
dom0 without having to compile the kernel/utilities?
* What sort of gotcha's should I be on the lookout for?
I am going to attempt to document my installation to help get some
more newbie level documentation out there.
Thanks for the hints/tips/help,
Robert Jackson
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