Re: [Xen-users] filesystem image of Fedora Core for Xen?
On Apr 3, 2005 4:18 AM, Kristinn Soffanias Runarsson
<soffanias@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm build images for Fedora Core 3 and Centos 4 right now... I'll make
> them available online as soon as they are ready... would you like to
> see some other OS's ?
yes please, Kristinn. I had some troubles building the rootfs for FC3.
yum seems not very stable.
it would be very nice if you can provide some rootfs. in the long run,
I think XenSource could host these rootfs, shouldn't?
i made one rootfs for Debian and 1 for Ubuntu. the guide on how to
make them in the Xen user manual works perfectly. if anybody wants
these rootfs, tell me.(the only problem is I dont know how to host
thank you a lot,
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