xm-test Was: [XenPPC] [xenppc-unstable] [TOOLS][XM-TEST] *
These patches mostly from Tony allow us to run xm-test to completion.
There is no claim that all of these work, but at least we are able to
generate reports.
See http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenPPC/Run/XM-Test for more info.
Here is the passfail output of the default test suite (no analysis
has been done yet):
REASON: block-attach failed: device did not switch to Connected state
FAIL: 01_block_attach_device_pos.test
REASON: block-attach failed: device did not switch to Connected state
FAIL: 02_block_attach_file_device_pos.test
REASON: Device is not actually attached to domU
FAIL: 04_block_attach_device_repeatedly_pos.test
REASON: block-attach failed: device did not switch to Connected state
FAIL: 05_block_attach_and_dettach_device_repeatedly_pos.test
PASS: 06_block_attach_baddomain_neg.test
PASS: 07_block_attach_baddevice_neg.test
PASS: 08_block_attach_bad_filedevice_neg.test
REASON: File created was lost or not updated!
FAIL: 09_block_attach_and_dettach_device_check_data_pos.test
PASS: 11_block_attach_shared_dom0.test
FAIL: 12_block_attach_shared_domU.test
PASS: 01_block-destroy_btblock_pos.test
PASS: 02_block-destroy_rtblock_pos.test
PASS: 03_block-destroy_nonexist_neg.test
PASS: 04_block-destroy_nonattached_neg.test
PASS: 05_block-destroy_byname_pos.test
PASS: 06_block-destroy_check_list_pos.test
PASS: 01_block-list_pos.test
PASS: 02_block-list_attachbd_pos.test
PASS: 03_block-list_anotherbd_pos.test
PASS: 04_block-list_nodb_pos.test
PASS: 05_block-list_nonexist_neg.test
PASS: 06_block-list_checkremove_pos.test
PASS: 01_block_device_read_verify.test
PASS: 02_block_device_write_verify.test
PASS: 01_console_badopt_neg.test
PASS: 02_console_baddom_neg.test
PASS: 01_create_basic_pos.test
PASS: 02_create_noparm_neg.test
PASS: 03_create_badparm_neg.test
PASS: 04_create_conflictname_neg.test
PASS: 06_create_mem_neg.test
PASS: 07_create_mem64_pos.test
PASS: 08_create_mem128_pos.test
PASS: 09_create_mem256_pos.test
PASS: 10_create_fastdestroy.test
REASON: [0] Failed to create domain
FAIL: 11_create_concurrent_pos.test
REASON: Failed to start 12_create_concurrent_stress_pos-1160359394
FAIL: 12_create_concurrent_stress_pos.test
PASS: 13_create_multinic_pos.test
PASS: 14_create_blockroot_pos.test
REASON: Unable to start a domain with 32 MB
FAIL: 15_create_smallmem_pos.test
REASON: Unable to start a domain with 16 MB
FAIL: 16_create_smallmem_neg.test
PASS: 01_destroy_basic_pos.test
PASS: 02_destroy_noparm_neg.test
PASS: 03_destroy_nonexist_neg.test
PASS: 04_destroy_badparm_neg.test
PASS: 05_destroy_byid_pos.test
PASS: 06_destroy_dom0_neg.test
PASS: 07_destroy_stale_pos.test
PASS: 01_dmesg_basic_pos.test
PASS: 02_dmesg_basic_neg.test
PASS: 01_domid_basic_pos.test
PASS: 02_domid_basic_neg.test
PASS: 01_domname_basic_pos.test
PASS: 02_domname_basic_neg.test
REASON: Host not capable of running test
SKIP: 01_enforce_dom0_cpus_basic_pos.test
PASS: 01_help_basic_pos.test
PASS: 02_help_basic_neg.test
PASS: 03_help_badparm_neg.test
PASS: 04_help_long_pos.test
PASS: 05_help_nonroot_pos.test
PASS: 06_help_allcmds.test
PASS: 01_info_basic_pos.test
PASS: 02_info_compiledata_pos.test
PASS: 01_list_basic_pos.test
PASS: 02_list_badparm_neg.test
PASS: 03_list_nonexist_neg.test
PASS: 04_list_goodparm_pos.test
PASS: 05_list_long_pos.test
PASS: 06_list_nonroot.test
PASS: 01_memmax_badparm_neg.test
REASON: Invalid domU meminfo line
FAIL: 01_memset_basic_pos.test
PASS: 02_memset_badparm_neg.test
REASON: Invalid domU meminfo line
FAIL: 03_memset_random_pos.test
PASS: 04_memset_smallmem_pos.test
REASON: xm migrate returned invalid 256 != 0
FAIL: 01_migrate_localhost_pos.test
REASON: ping loopback failed for size 65507. ping eth0 failed for
size 65507.
XFAIL: 02_network_local_ping_pos.test
PASS: 03_network_local_tcp_pos.test
PASS: 04_network_local_udp_pos.test
XPASS: 05_network_dom0_ping_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 06_network_dom0_tcp_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 07_network_dom0_udp_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
XFAIL: 11_network_domU_ping_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 12_network_domU_tcp_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 13_network_domU_udp_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 01_network_attach_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 02_network_attach_detach_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 03_network_attach_detach_multiple_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 04_network_attach_baddomain_neg.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 01_pause_basic_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 02_pause_badopt_neg.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 03_pause_badname_neg.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 04_pause_badid_neg.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 01_reboot_basic_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 02_reboot_badopt_neg.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 03_reboot_badname_neg.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 01_restore_basic_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 02_restore_badparm_neg.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 03_restore_badfilename_neg.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 04_restore_withdevices_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 01_save_basic_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 02_save_badparm_neg.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 03_save_bogusfile_neg.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 01_sched_credit_weight_cap_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 01_shutdown_basic_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 02_shutdown_badparm_neg.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 03_shutdown_nonexist_neg.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 01_sysrq_basic_neg.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 02_sysrq_sync_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 03_sysrq_withreboot_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 01_unpause_basic_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 01_vcpu-disable_basic_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 01_vcpu-pin_basic_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 01_vtpm-list_pos.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 02_vtpm-cat_pcrs.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 03_vtpm-susp_res.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 04_vtpm-loc_migr.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 05_vtpm-loc_migr.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 06_vtpm-susp_res_pcrs.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 07_vtpm-mig_pcrs.test
REASON: XM-TEST: xm list not responding
FAIL: 08_vtpm-mig_pcrs.test
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