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[Xen-ia64-devel] Re: vimrc snippet

To: xen-ia64-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-ia64-devel] Re: vimrc snippet
From: Aron Griffis <aron@xxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 13:13:47 -0400
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Since I received two encouraging replies to my last post, and since
Alex mentioned to me that the snippet can cause some confusing results
without further vim configuration, here is a more complete
configuration for general C coding.

This can be cut-n-pasted directly into .vimrc

   " Tabs and indents
   set autoindent          " maintain current indent on newline
   set shiftround          " round indent < and > to multiple of shiftwidth
   set shiftwidth=4        " but see override in c_linux-kernel.vim
   set smarttab            " use shiftwidth when inserting <Tab>
   set tabstop=8           " number of spaces that <Tab> in file uses
   " Important for working in hardlinked trees (e.g. git or mercurial)
   set bkc+=breakhardlinks " always break hardlinks when writing
   " Load filetype plugins
   filetype plugin indent on
   if has("syntax")
       syntax on
   " Default options for C files
   autocmd FileType c,cpp let b:c_gnu=1             " highlight gcc specific 
   autocmd FileType c,cpp let b:c_space_errors=1    " highlight trailing w/s 
and spaces before tab
   autocmd FileType c,cpp let b:c_no_curly_error=1  " don't highlight {} inside 
   autocmd FileType c     let g:c_syntax_for_h=1    " use C highlighting for 
header files
   if has("cindent")
       autocmd FileType c,cpp setl cin cino=(0,u0,t0,l1  " see :help 
   " Match precedent in file for tabs/spaces indentation
   autocmd FileType c,cpp
               \ let tabre = '^\t\|^\( \{8}\)' |
               \ let foundtab = v:version >= 700 ?
               \     search(tabre, 'cnpw', 1000) : search(tabre, 'cnpw') |
               \ if foundtab == 1 | setlocal noexpandtab |
               \ elseif foundtab == 2 | setlocal expandtab | endif

Additionally, I have two filetype plugins for working in the Linux
kernel and working in Xen.  These set the shiftwidth (4 for xen, 8 for
Linux), include path (for example, for "gf"), tags location (use "make
tags" at the top level) and cscope database (use "make cscope" at the
top level).

    $ mkdir ~/.vim/ftplugin
    $ cd ~/.vim/ftplugin
    $ wget 
    $ wget 

I'd appreciate any feedback.


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