Re: [Xen-ia64-devel] [PATCH] create page table for virtual frame table
>>>>> "Kouya" == Kouya SHIMURA <kouya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Kouya> Hi, I was so bad.
Kouya> I should not use p?d_populate() functions to create the page
Kouya> table for virtual frametable. It should be independent of
Kouya> domain's page table structure. p?d_populate() are also used for
Kouya> domain's page table.
Kouya> Currently page table for virtual frametable consists of 3-level
Kouya> table. And the domain's page table is also. But I think 2-level
Kouya> might be enough for virtual frametable. It should be
Kouya> configurable without any concern for domain's structure. Once I
Kouya> had a plan to tune it up.
Kouya> To aboid the confusion, I wrote an attached patch.
I tried your patch and it doesn't seem to make things worse here, but
I noticed we use far less memory for the page tables so thats probably
a good thing.
Btw. for this part:
> - shr r22=r16,56 // Test for the address of virtual frame_table
> + shr.u r22=r16,56 // Test for the address of virtual frame_table
then if I make this change in my tree, the old compare works for me.
I am somehow still worse off than I was yesterday in terms of how far
I get, no idea why at this point.
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