Re: [Xen-devel] want some VMXResources
在 2011-07-30六的 14:38 +0100,Ian Campbell写道:
> On Sat, 2011-07-30 at 14:04 +0100, haibinfeier wrote:
> > I find this URL http://wiki.xen.org/xenwiki/VmxResources On Xenwiki.
> > But I can't get the "Intel Documentation",who have this?
> I believe all the info about VMX is now part of the Intel Software
> Developer's manuals. Google should be able to find it for you.
> The VmxResources (and the referenced VmxQuickstartGuide) page are so out
> of date as to be completely useless but I don't seem to have RM
> permissions on the wiki. Can one of the wiki admins delete please?
> Ian.
Yeah!I got it!
Thank you !
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