Re: [Xen-devel] How to use valgrind to detect xen hypervisor's memory le
On Fri, 2011-07-15 at 03:42 +0100, hellokitty wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thanks to Ian Campbell, I am a student and now i am doing a research
> about using valgrind to detect xen hypervisor's memory leak .
> The procedure of my detection is as follows:
> First I follow the patch
> http://xen.1045712.n5.nabble.com/PATCHv2-valgrind-support-for-Xen-privcmd-ioctls-hypercalls-tc2640861.html#a4568310
> to let valgrind support Xen privcmd/hypercall.
> Second I compile the source code of valgrind (have patched the upper
> patch)
Please post your modified version of the patch.
> Third I use the valgrind tool to detect the hypervisor's memory leak .
> And the issues now i have are as follows:
> 1 , Now i come to second step , and i run the commands to compile the
> source code :
You seem to have missed step 0) which is to regenerate configure and
Makefile.* using autoconf/automake as I described in a previous mail.
> 1) ./configure --with-xen=/usr/include/xen/
> 2) make && make install
> here i encounter the following error messages, how to fix it ?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> gcc: @XEN_CFLAGS@ïŒdoesn't exist the file or directory
The configure script should have substituted this out, but if you didn't
regenerate it after apply the patch then it won't know to do this.
> [...]
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 2, Suppose that i come to the third step, is it right to use the command
> to do the detection ?
> "valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes ./xen" (here xen is the
> binary file compiled by the source code of xen_4.0.1)
Wait, are you trying to use valgrind on the hypervisor itself?
The Xen hypervisor is an "Operating System" and runs on bare metal --
you can't run it as a process under Linux and therefore you cannot run a
tool like valgrind on it.
The valgrind support in my patch is useful for debugging the Xen
toolstack (e.g. "xl"), but not the hypervisor itself.
> 3,Does anyone here ever detect the xen hypervisor's memory leak
> before ? Does someone have the valgrind tool support for hypervisor well ,
> can you send me one ?
Either Valgrind or Xen does not work how you seem to think it works. I
think you should consult with your advisor before trying to progress
this approach any further.
You might want to investigate the Linux kernel's "kmemleak" stuff, I
suppose something like that could be ported to Xen (although I expect it
to be a non-trivial amount of work).
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