Re: [Xen-devel] crash due to frequent access to csched_dom
Sorry, I do not have the serial port device now. It seems I can not access to csched_dom struct frequently during scheduling tick. For example, in each schedule tick, I will adjust the runqueue sequence according to the latency (another parameter added by myself) and remained credits of each domainU. This part code is added to the csched_vcpu_acct() or csched_runq_sort(). I also try accessing to sdom->weight, it also does not work. OK, I will try to set up a serial console firstly. Thanks very much.
Regards, Cong
2011/7/14 George Dunlap <George.Dunlap@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 5:54 PM, David Xu < davidxu06@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am changing the credit1 scheduler. But I encountered a problem that the
> system will crash if I use some fileds of struct csched_dom (e.t.
> sdom->weight, sdom->credit ) frequently in the csched_vcpu_acct() or
> csched_runq_sort(). It seems strange. Can anyone give me some suggestion or
> share your experience? Thanks.
Did you get any output on the serial console?
If you don't have a serial console set up, that's the first thing to
do. It's immensely helpful when doing Xen debugging, especially
scheduler stuff.
You can learn more about setting up a Xen serial console here:
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