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[Xen-devel] Can't map the page referenced by HVM-DomU CR3 in Dom0

To: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-devel] Can't map the page referenced by HVM-DomU CR3 in Dom0
From: david <david_n@xxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 15:45:34 +0200
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I'm trying to access the page containing the paging information for a DomU from Dom0.
I'm doing that by translating the address contained in the DomU CR3 
register with xc_translate_foreign_address (libxc) and try to map the
returned frame number with xc_map_foreign_range.

The problem is, that the return value from xc_translate_foreign_address is 0 (guest cr3 is 0x002f3000 in my case), which indicates an error (corresponding to the code comments). After some debugging I have discovered, that pte becomes 0 when level=2 and therefore the function returns 0 on line 79:
69    /* Walk the pagetables */
70    for (level = pt_levels; level > 0; level--) {
71        paddr += ((virt & mask) >> (xc_ffs64(mask) - 1)) * size;
72        map = xc_map_foreign_range(xc_handle, dom, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ,
73                                   paddr >>PAGE_SHIFT);
74        if (!map)
75            return 0;
76        memcpy(&pte, map + (paddr & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)), size);
77        munmap(map, PAGE_SIZE);
78        if (!(pte & 1))
79            return 0;
80        paddr = pte & 0x000ffffffffff000ull;

I'm currently trying to examine why pte becomes 0. Is anyone familiar with this part of the code and can explain why it is not possible to map the page?
My setup:
Dom0: debian x86_64
DomU: HVM Win XP SP2 32bit

thanks for any hints,


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