On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 12:37:01PM -0500, Gautam wrote:
> Hi All,
> i want to add the automatic support for load balancing in the xen through
> live migration of virtual machine.
> for this i wrote a script, which runs as a daemon process with xen and if
> the reosurces utilization (like Memory or CPU usage) exceeds
> the threshold value then it migrates the virtual machine to the other
> server.
> but my script runs over the XEN. i am planing to make insert this code in
> xen code.
> so please suggest me the guide line to work with xen code.
I believe this kind of functionality should be a script/daemon,
like you have implemented it now.
xm/xend and xl/libxl toolstack are "single host" anyway,
so they don't really know anything about other hosts.
XAPI toolstack used in XCP (and in Citrix XenServer) has
multi-host pools, but I believe this kind of functionality
already exists there, and can be implemented as plugins.
-- Pasi
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