[Xen-devel] Xen 4.1.0 RC3 released
I have just tagged 4.1.0-rc3 in http://xenbits.xen.org/staging/xen-unstable.hg
Please carry on testing, with this new release candidate.
Given the number of outstanding bugs, and the queue of outstanding
patches, and the Chinese New Year (which has a holiday which coincides
with our original final week or two of freeze), we're going to slip
the freeze schedule by a week right now and consider the question
again next Monday.
So our schedule now looks like this.
We are here:
| Feature code freeze
| Bugfixes are allowed provided they are not high-risk.
| No new features will be committed.
This is coming up soon:
| Slushy code freeze
| after 7 Feb
| Bugfixes are allowed but only if they either:
| - fix an important bug; or
| - are very trivial and low-risk.
| All changes to receive a formal ack from a maintainer other than
| the committer.
| Hard code freeze
| after 14 Feb
| No further patches other than for release-critical bugs.
| All changes to receive a formal ack from a maintainer other than
| the committer.
| Release.
| planned for 21 Feb
| In all cases, the plan is subject to modification, and to the making
| of freeze exceptions by the maintainers following consultation.
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