[Xen-devel] Re: Freeze schedule
After consultation with Keir, here's a revised proposal:
Feature submission freeze
after 31 Dec
New feature patches posted before this point can be committed
afterwards if they needed the time to get into shape.
New features not previously posted have missed the boat.
Bugfixes are allowed.
Feature code freeze
after all queued patches applied
but at the latest 14 Jan
RC1 at this point, unless serious or blocking bugs are present.
Bugfixes are allowed provided they are not high-risk.
No new features will be committed.
Slushy code freeze
after 28 Jan
Bugfixes are allowed but only if they either:
- fix an important bug; or
- are very trivial and low-risk.
All changes to receive a formal ack from a maintainer other than
the committer.
Hard code freeze
after 7 Feb
No further patches other than for release-critical bugs.
All changes to receive a formal ack from a maintainer other than
the committer.
planned for 14 Feb
In all cases, the plan is subject to modification, and to the making
of freeze exceptions by the maintainers following consultation.
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