Re: [Xen-devel] which pvops kernel?
On Sun, Dec 05, 2010 at 10:56:54PM +1100, James Harper wrote:
> >
> > On 12/04/2010 06:03 PM, James Harper wrote:
> > > I just pulled the latest changes to xen/stable-2.6.32.x and while it
> > > built okay, hardly any of my raid volumes came up and I got billions
> of
> > > usb messages (sequential errors about device numbers that don't
> exist)
> > > and then a crash.
> > >
> > > Is stable-2.6.32.x still recommended or have we moved on to another
> > > kernel?
> >
> > No, that's still the recommended kernel. What changeset ID did you
> > get? What was the last kernel that worked? Can you capture the full
> > boot output?
> >
> > There haven't been very many changes to that kernel lately, so it
> should
> > be fairly easy to work out where things went wrong.
> >
> Strange thing. The raid volumes problem was an error in my mdadm.conf
> that the earlier commit of 2.6.32 was apparently not sensitive to... I
> didn't think that was a kernel related file.
mdadm.conf probably gets included to initramfs image..
> The USB problem hasn't reoccurred, even though it happened on 3
> consecutive boots earlier, with successful boots of the older kernel in
> between.
So maybe the failure with the new kernel only happens after a full
poweroff-poweron cycle, when the USB is in some initial state..
when you run the earlier kernel, and then soft-boot to the new kernel,
the USB is already properly initialized or something..
Just guessing.
-- Pasi
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