Re: [SPAM] Re: [Xen-devel] A patch to xen/arch/x86/hvm/pmtimer.c for bot
On 16/11/2010 07:48, "Keir Fraser" <keir@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Anyway, please modify your patch as I suggest above, and then also confirm
> what speedups you get with the revised patch. I want to know what the wins
> are before applying optimisation hacks. I don't particularly have an issue
> with them as long as they work! :-)
Oh, also, if your patch is intended to be applied straight away, you also
need to always provide a suitable patch description and Signed-off-by
line(s) directly above the patch in your email. Otherwise I tend to silently
ignore the email.
-- Keir
> -- Keir
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