[Xen-devel] question about Xen source code (bugreport?)
Good day.
I digging to Xen sources and found some kind of bug...
xen-3.4.2/tools/blktap ,function:
int convert_dev_name_to_num(char *name)
It use some extremely strange expressions I could not understand.
for(i = 0, ptr = alpha; i < strlen(alpha); i++) {
if(*ptr == *p) break;
What meaning of *p++? Why not simply p++?
And few lines lower:
ret = (202*256) + (16*i) + atoi(p); (focus on atoi(p))
But atoi() behaviour is undefined if argument contains not number, but
Cite from Open Group POSIX specification: If the value cannot be
represented, the behavior is undefined:
And I can create device /dev/xvdaa or something like this (I use XCP, so
it is command like: xe vbd-create ... device=999).
And this code become simply 'undefined behaviour. It can crash, do 'rm
-rf /' or simply return wrong value.
wBR, George.
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