Re: [Xen-devel] [patch] Xen build - Debian vs Redhat layout patch option
Bruce Edge writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] [patch] Xen build - Debian vs Redhat layout
patch options"):
> There are 2 locations that are not optimal for Debian based distributions.
> These are /etc/sysconfig, and /var/subsys.
> Debian uses /etc/default and /var for these respectively.
Thanks for this contribution. I have some comments:
> This patch provides a new make config variable, XEN_CONFIG_ARCH, which
> changes the location of these 2 elements if set.
I'm not sure that "XEN_CONFIG_ARCH" is the right answer. What's wrong
with simply setting SYSCONFIG_DIR ? Perhaps SYSCONFIG_DIR needs to be
defined with "?=" rather than "=" ?
If we do need a special variable for the leaf dir it should be called
something else. ARCH is for CPU architectures.
> For the runtime scripts it checks whether the Red Hat sysconfig files
> exist first, then looks in the Debian location.
> This lets the config files reside in the desired location and does not
> require any additional runtime config file
> to point to their location.
This is good.
> Creating network initscripts
> ----------------------------
> -In the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory it is necccessary to create
> +In the <SYSCONFIG>/network-scripts directory it is necccessary to create
> 2 config files. The first (ifcfg-eth0) defines your physical network
> interface,
> and says that it will be part of a bridge:
This, and all the stuff that implicitly refers to files in
/etc/default for host network configuration, is entirely wrong.
Debian-derived distros have a different way of setting up networking
and the files have a different syntax and semantics, as well as a
different location.
It's only the files which are invented by the Xen distribution which
might be found in /etc/sysconfig _or_ /etc/default.
> if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/xenballoon.conf ]; then
> . /etc/sysconfig/xenballoon.conf
> +else
> + if [ -f /etc/default/xenballoon.conf ]; then
Use elif ?
> +if [ -d /etc/sysconfig ]; then
> + LOCKFILE=/var/lock/subsys/xendomains
> + XENDOM_CONFIG=/etc/sysconfig/xendomains
> +else
> + LOCKFILE=/var/lock/xendomains
> + XENDOM_CONFIG=/etc/default/xendomains
> +fi
I don't think this is correct. You should test for /etc/sysconfig and
/var/lock/subsys separately, in case someone makes a mutant distro
that has one but not the other.
Would you care to revise your patch and resubmit it ?
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