[Xen-devel] How to read the xen format file and the generated trace cont
Hi All,
I am trying to understand the format file which comes with too/xentrace/formats.
If anyone can help in understanding the following, that will be great -
Take for example -
0x0002800e CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) switch_infprev [
old_domid = 0x%(1)08x, runtime = %(2)d ]
0x0002800f CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) switch_infnext [
new_domid = 0x%(1)08x, time = %(2)d, r_time = %(3)d ]
In the above format rule,
1. Can anyone point me to the source code that populates the cpu and
tsc using xentrace data ?
2. In the above, I understand 1, 2 and 3 means first, second and third
field from the TRACE but what does the whole field description means
0x%(1)08x apart from the fact that it represents hexadecimal value for DOM IDs.
If above represents DOM ID values then from the trace data generated like this -
CPU0 7997860846654673 (+ 4133) switch_infprev [ old_domid =
0x00007fff, runtime = 79935 ]
CPU0 7997860846655190 (+ 517) switch_infnext [ new_domid =
0x00000000, time = 3889, r_time = 30000000 ]
old_domid = 0x00007fff represents 32767 for some some DOM ID. There
is no domain which has been assigned the 32767 id or for that matter
new_domid = 0x00000000 represents 0 which is clearly the DOM0 id.
So what is this old_domid value means ? Or is it just some junk value
? My understanding was the SWITCH_INFPREV traces the domain to be
descheduled and SWITCH_INFNEXT traces to be scheduled. If thats the
case, then why is current DOM ID a junk value.
Any pointer to the the source code to understand this better will be helpful.
If I look at xm list it shows -
[root@samoa3 mahendra 04:13 PM]$ xm list
Name ID Mem VCPUs State Time(s)
Domain-0 0 1022 8 r----- 94726.9
mapache 24 256 1 -b---- 739.7
mmysql 22 256 1 -b---- 99.1
mtomcat 23 256 1 -b---- 522.4
So for Domain-0 with DOM ID of 0 makes sense but what about the OLD
DOM ID value.
If I look at another trace record -
CPU0 7997860846373115 (+ 2130) domain_wake [ domid =
0x00000018, edomid = 0x00000000 ]
Here, it make sense that domid is 24 which is mpache domain as listed
by xm list.
Can anyone help me understand this and point to relevant source code ?
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