[Xen-devel] RE: Which old GPLV drivers would "work" with Windows 2000?
> I know that you don't build the Windows 2000 drivers anymore, but I
> curious which of the old drivers located at
> http://www.meadowcourt.org/downloads/old/ could I use? Any of the
> Xen PV Drivers 0.9.*.exe ?
The reason I don't build them anymore is that they didn't work (and the
latest windows DDK doesn't build for 2000). The best you could hope for
is the assisted shutdown in which case some of the old 0.9.x drivers
might work for that, but I don't know which.
Sorry I couldn't be more help. If anyone ever wanted them badly enough
that they'd be willing to fund my time to implement windows 2000 support
then I might reconsider, but Windows 2000 has got to be a pretty small
market these days hasn't it?
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