On Mon, 2010-05-10 at 04:17 -0400, Heiko Wundram wrote:
> The 64-bit HVM domain I've tested was a Windows (2008 R2 Web Server) domain,
> without PV drivers, so yeah, it was triggered by qemu alone in my specific
> test case.
> Looking back at my testing, I'm not 100% certain that the bug doesn't occur
> on 64-bit Multi-VCPU PV-domains (I thought I tested those "properly", but I
> just did one test case with Ubuntu 10.04 running "fully" PV, and after the
> system booted successfully, I didn't test whether bonnie++-I/O or any such
> would trigger the behavior; installation was done in a Dom0 chroot anyway for
> that, so I can't actually say whether there'd also be a bug here), but I'm
> positive that Multi-VCPU 32-bit HVM and PV domains do not exhibit the errant
> behavior, just as Uni-VCPU 64-bit HVM and PV domains don't.
Thanks. I'm mainly looking for the cheapest way to come across a repro.
> If you have a patch to test (regarding the synchronous queuing of tapdisk2),
> I'd be happy to give it a shot with my specific setup.
I'll cc you when posting them. Any additional testing before Jeremy gets
to pick them up is welcome.
> --- Heiko.
> PS: again, sorry for topposting; I currently don't have access to a
> "functioning" email client...
> Which begs the question: anybody know of a way to make Outlook behave sanely
> concerning quoting of mails? ;-)
I gave up on Outlook for basically that reason.
But I don't think people mind.
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