Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] libxl: build fix
Christoph Egger writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] libxl: build fix"):
> On NetBSD, the SIG* defines are in <sys/signal.h> which is just
> included by <signal.h>
> On NetBSD, both works.
The correct way to discover what the right #include is is not to go on
a wild goose chase through headers. It is to read appropriate
documentation, such as SuSv3:
Every function or symbol that's in SuS has next to its description a
statement of what header file(s) are needed.
> But you're right, the portable fix is the prefered one.
It's not just "portable", it is not broken. The NetBSD developers
would be quite entitled to make <sys/signal.h> go away, or not contain
these definitions any more. I doubt they promise not to.
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