Re: [Xen-devel] 4.1 feature request: block device throttling/scheduling
On Fri, Apr 09, 2010 at 12:13:32PM -0400, T Johnson wrote:
> Hello,
> This has already been added to the request list on the wiki, but I wanted
> to send a quick post here as well if there were any questions or comments.
> I have problems from time to time with guest VMs using up a lot more of my
> storage network than I would like. More than just priority scheduling, I
> would like to be able to tune how many read/write operations per second a
> VM can perform. Right now, without this ability on my storage network, I
> can end up having a VM that should be lower priority using up a lot of
> storage IOPS and starving everything else on the storage network.
> In an ideal world I could specify that vmX can perform Y writes per second
> and Z reads per second (since sometimes reads can be less expensive than
> writes)
> Please let me know if you have any questions. Adding something like this
> in would be *greatly* appreciated.
Did you take a look at dm-ioband?
-- Pasi
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