Re: [Xen-devel] Re: GCOV status
Gianluca has left Citrix to move back to Italy; if you've been
e-mailing his citrix account, he probably hasn't gotten anything since
July. Always best to mail the list, and cc: the person you think
needs to see it, even if it's something like, "What's the status of
accepting feature [foo]".
Can you port the patches to the current tip of unstable, and re-send
them? I will try to take a look at the patches and give you feedback
within the next two weeks. If you don't hear from me in that time,
write the list again and cc me. :-)
On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Tej <bewith.tej@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 2:07 AM, George Dunlap
> <George.Dunlap@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> What's the status on the GCOV patches now? What needs to happen for
>> them to get into -unstable post 4.0?
> Hi George,
> Gianluca Guida reviewing the patches. Below Link is the last patche I
> have submitted for xen 3.3 but after that there was no communication
> happened with Gainluca. I have tried to ping him so many time.
> http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-devel/2009-04/msg01210.html
> I am not sure about reason. If you are willing to review those patches
> design and implementation again, I could do some cosmetic porting for
> 4.0 and resubmit the patch
> What do you say????
> thanks
> -tej
>> -George
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