RE: [Xen-devel] XAPI source code
> Hi All
> I have downloaded the opensource xapi source code. I am not sure what the
> functins of the follow modules:
> 1 block_device_io
This contains code to store a "redo log" directly on a shared block device. If
this is enabled and the Pool master crashes, none
of the metadata updates will be lost.
> 2 datamodel
This is a combination of an IDL for the XenAPI and a database schema for the
> 3 xiu (I am puzzled by the name "xiu")
It originally stood for 'xen in userspace'. It's a hypercall simulator-- it
allows the toolstack to be run inside a small VM without talking to a real
hypervisor or starting real domains. It allows large pools to be simulated
efficiently without having to nest hypervisors.
> 4 stats
This isn't very important. We use this to compute simple aggregate statistics
e.g. the length of the 'blackout' interval during a live migrate. I'm not sure
how useful these numbers really are.
> 5 rpc-light
In xen-api-libs.hg this provides a nice way to autogenerate value
marshalling/unmarshalling code directly from ocaml datatypes (via ocamlp4).
There are currently JSON and XMLRPC 'backends' and it's easy to add new ones.
> 6 rss
An unused module which can generate RSS feeds.
> 7 xb (I think the xapi needs not to talk to xenbus directly)
This is used by the 'xs' library to talk to xenstore. Note that xapi doesn't
use libxenstore.
> 8 xsrpc (why it writes some "rpc" keys to path of "domain/<domid>" in the
This is an old prototype of a xenstore RPC mechanism. In future we'll probably
add backends to 'rpc-light' instead of using this module. That way it's easier
to change the concrete data format (e.g. to use shared memory or something)
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