[Xen-research] Fwd: Xen Saving VM
I am trying to understand Xen's save VM state works.
I have use case where I am running 3 VM's on a 4-core/8GB server with 1core/2GB per VM. Each of the VM runs an HPC application, and most of the time 1.5GB memory is allocated to the application running in the VM.
Now I am trying to do is to pause VM-1 and VM-2. Save their respective states. Reduce their memory and cap CPU to lowest possible value; then to alloacate the taken resource from VM-1 and VM-2 to VM-3 for X amount of time. Once the application in VM-3 is finished, then I reduce it's CPU/Memory to pre-start stage and re-allocate 1CPU/2GB again to VM-1 and VM-2
My question is; would the application in VM-1 or VM-2 will be able to start executing from the last saved point. Is there a way in Xen to check-point this?
Thanks, Omer
CERN, Engineering Department, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Email: Omer.Khalid@xxxxxxx **************************************
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