Re: [Xen-devel] GPLPV drivers 0.9.12-pre9 upload
James Harper writes ("[Xen-devel] GPLPV drivers 0.9.12-pre9 upload"):
> 3. If you are using the latest Xen 3.3.1 hg (maybe 3.3.0 too?), the
> qemu_disable_patches.diff patch applied to the ioemu-remote git repo
> (after 'make tools' has downloaded it, or after you've updated it to the
> latest) will completely remove the ide disks and network interfaces,
> leaving the cdroms as emulated by qemu. This is how things should be
> going forward - qemu cdrom's means you get eject and virtual image swap
> etc, and performance on a cdrom is hardly critical. Hopefully these
> patches will make it into Xen 3.4.
Did you want me to apply that .diff to the current qemu-xen-unstable ?
If so could you please post it to the list (with an appropriate
Signed-off-by section which should probably include the original
authorship trail ?
Or should I pick up Steven Smith's patch ?
Alternatively I'm happy to wait, but current unstable is what will
become 3.4 and if you're happy with the interface and the code I'm
happy to do so right away.
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