[Xen-devel] Re: [patch] netfront: unregister net device at backend_chang
On 18/11/08 12:21, "Joe Jin" <joe.jin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> If virtual devices are failing to initialise then a confusing no-mac
>> interface is presumably the least of the user's worries?
> However, initialized failed means device was unavailable, but
> at system ifconfig -a also show it, might be user ask what is
> it? why it disabled? is there anything wrong on my systgem :-)
And they'd be right wouldn't they: Yes, something *is* wrong! :-)
> So, I think if device failed to initialise we'd better unregister
> it. how do you think?
Have you actually seen this problem occur, in stress tests or elsewhere? Or
is this just a 'nice to have'? If the former I'd rather fix the bug!
One concern I have is that leaving an interface structure allocated but
unregistered is not a state we've previously handled in netfront, and could
cause bad kernel behaviour if, for example, the netif gets unprobed later.
-- Keir
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