Re: [Xen-devel] How to build non-PAE dom0 kernel with Xen-3.2-testing (P
--- On Tue, 23/9/08, Keir Fraser <keir.fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> From: Keir Fraser <keir.fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] How to build non-PAE dom0 kernel with
> Xen-3.2-testing (PAE-disabled)?
> To: "Abhinav Srivastava" <abhinavs_iitkgp@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
> xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Tuesday, 23 September, 2008, 9:36 PM
> On 23/9/08 16:58, "Abhinav Srivastava"
> <abhinavs_iitkgp@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hi Keir,
> >
> > Thanks for the reply. I did the "make
> menuconfig" and found that High Memory
> > Support is already set to 4GB. Please let me know some
> other way if I could do
> > it. I am also attaching my
> "build-linux-2.6.18-xen_x86_3/.config" file
> > herewith.
> Ah, actually we removed non-PAE support from Xen 3.2. So
> you have to build a
> PAE hypervisor and kernel. If you want non-PAE support, you
> have to use Xen
> 3.1.
> -- Keir
Ohh no. Did it happen recently? I knew that Xen-3.3 did not have non-PAE
support. But, I did not know about Xen 3.2. I took Xen3.2 testing version
kernel in july from mercury and could built non-PAE hypervisor and kernel. Is
it someway I can get that build from mercury or it got changed backwardly?
Thanks for the clarification.
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