Re: [Xen-devel] FE driver and log dirty
On 14/7/08 08:39, "Tian, Kevin" <kevin.tian@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I can understand the replay trick here. My question is whether there're
> some requests/responses got dequeued from FE driver and already
> sent to up level component, which however has not been ever accessed
> by CPU (e.g. only descriptor is accessed) before __xen_suspend is
> entered. Take network receive for example (I'm not familar with this
> path), is it possible that some data page is already queued in up level
> protocol, and then suspend watch is triggered before receive process
> is scheduled, and unfortunately within that window the page has not
> been accessed yet? In this case, page becomes dirty in live migration
> process, but not get recoded by log dirty logic since it's only BE to
> access it...
Granted mappings cause the mapped page to become dirtied when the BE
relinquishes the grant. This happens after the I/O transfer but before the
response has been queued for the FE.
-- Keir
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