Re: [Xen-devel] how to callback from hypervisor to guest os?
On Sun, 2008-07-06 at 11:46 -0400, weiming wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> Thanks a lot. You confirmed my worries. Event channel may not work for
> me since I need to call the function in a interrupt handler.
> I'll check out trap injection. I don't know what is this, hope it
> would be helpful.
Pardon, sloppy word choice. What I mean would be rather called a 'trap
bounce' or just 'callback' in the Xen source. Event channel activations
work on top of that.
Daniel Stodden
LRR - Lehrstuhl für Rechnertechnik und Rechnerorganisation
Institut für Informatik der TU München D-85748 Garching
http://www.lrr.in.tum.de/~stodden mailto:stodden@xxxxxxxxxx
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