Re: [Xen-devel] handler for VIRQ_DOM_EXC
On Tue, 2008-07-01 at 00:48 -0700, Brendan Cully wrote:
> On Tuesday, 01 July 2008 at 12:50, Sandesh wrote:
> > Hi ,
> > I am not able to find the handler for VIRQ_DOM_EXC event. Is it
> > handled by defautl_handler?? Some pointers would be helpful.
> It's handled by xenstore (see domain_init in
> xenstored_domain.c). When xenstore receives the VIRQ_DOM_EXC event it
> fires a @releaseDomain watch, which xend sits on.
actually am trying to figure out what happens when 'xm shutdown domain'
is executed. the domain_shutdown function finally calls
as per your info, i put a debug statement in handle_event (which
invokes fire_watches) of xenstored_core.c, and it was not getting
executed. So iam having doubts if its actually handled by xenstored..??
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