[Xen-devel] Re: Xen and Kernel 2.6.25
Really nice.
I try to use 2.6.5 with the domU support, and it´s working!
The only thing that isnt working its the vnc. I think because 2.6.25-xen,
doenst have frambuffer for xen support yet
Its a task for 2.6.26 perhaps
see in http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenParavirtOps
# eatures in 2.6.25:
* x86-32 support
* Console (hvc0)
* Blockfront (xvdX)
* Netfront
# Queued for 2.6.26:
* Balloon (contraction only)
* paravirtual framebuffer + mouse (pvfb)
* 2.6.26 onwards will be PAE-only
"Ian Jackson" <Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> escreveu na mensagem
Grzegorz Mi³o¶ writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] Xen and Kernel 2.6.25"):
> Some question.
> Can I install Xen-3.2.1 with 2.6.18-xen kernel... to my Dom0
> and without HVM, starting a debian(DomU) with kernel 2.6.25 from kernel
> src
> and compiled with all XEN port / features ?
I don't think you'll be able to compile 2.6.25 DomU kernel from
vanilla sources (= kernel.org + xenbits.xensource.com).
Recent mainline kernels (including 2.6.25) have domU support. It's
not feature complete but it should be useable. (Last I checked
save/restore and ballooning weren't supported, but work in this area
is continuing apace.)
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